Thursday, April 21, 2011

Katy Trail -- 2.01 mi in 16:41

Just finished my evening run. I'd taken off about a week and a half since I ran the Make the Break 5k with my trusted companion Barefoot Bryan.

Running (barefoot) is a very technical sport. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Even as little as a week and a half off from some activity that your body has yet to imprint all the correct muscle movements for means relearning a lot. That was me today.

Oh yeah, straighten your back and tighten your core. Integrate your arms, right. But wait. Do I land right at the ball or a little behind? Hmm. Open up my stride a little more? Not that much. Ok, land under my core and torso. Yes, that's it. Is this a sustainable pace for my skin?

Ok, so it wasn't as bad as my very first run, but it still took me about half a mile to figure out a lot of things I thought I had learned already. And even then, I was constantly adjusting and readjusting through most of the run.

Eventually it will be second nature. I'll effortlessly bend the knees (a la Barefoot Ken Bob). Snap my stomach to my back and stand tall (from the great Michael Sandler). And I'll be aware of my body positioning and breathing which would please Danny Dreyer. It's a lot to synthesize, including of course, what your own body has to say. Don't worry, it will all come together.

Overall I felt good. My pads are a little tender (the ball right below both my right and left big toes) and will need a day of rest. Good news is that for a while I hit a 7:30 pace, which is close to the fastest I've gone sans the foot coffins. Oh, and I still love the looks I get from folks. Priceless.

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